Welcome to My Musical World: A Personal Journey with Jason D’Souza

Hey there, music lovers!

I’m stoked to welcome you to my little slice of the musical universe. Here, in the midst of beats and melodies, I’m inviting you to hop on board for a ride through the world of music production, mixing, and mastering.

A Musical Calling

From the lively streets of Mumbai to the halls of SAE Institute Singapore, my love for music has been a part of me since forever. It’s a fire in my belly that drives me to dive deep into every note and rhythm with endless curiosity and pure passion.

Apprenticeship and Innovation

Under the wing of the legendary Shantanu Hutlikar at YRF Studios, I dove headfirst into a journey of discovery. It’s where I learned the art of sculpting sound, refining my skills and pushing boundaries with each passing day.

The Birth of Frank Gabriel Audio

In 2010, fueled by a burning desire to chart my own course, I took a leap of faith and launched Frank Gabriel Audio. It was a bold move into the unknown, driven by my belief in music’s ability to break barriers and touch souls.

Collaborations and Connections

Over the years, I’ve had the honor of teaming up with some seriously talented folks in the biz. From indie gems to seasoned pros, every collaboration has been a testament to the magic that happens when creative minds unite.

A Decade of Dedication

Looking back on the past ten years, it’s been one heck of a ride. There have been highs, lows, victories, and challenges, but through it all, my dedication to musical excellence has never wavered.

Looking to the Future

As I stand on the brink of a new chapter, I’m buzzing with excitement for what lies ahead. With a fresh focus on indie artists and a hunger for pushing sonic boundaries, I can’t wait to see where this journey takes us next.

Join Me on this Adventure

So, my friends, I’m inviting you to come along for the ride. Let’s explore, discover, and lose ourselves in the endless possibilities of sound. Together, let’s craft the next chapter in the symphony of life.

Thanks for being a part of this wild ride.

Catch you on the flip side,

Jason D’Souza